r/v Oceania, how it all started

On December 20, 1985, in the presence of the Shipyard Management, the authorities of the Polish Academy of Sciences, shipyard workers, and oceanographers, a ceremonial raising of the flag took place on the research vessel r/v Oceania and it was handed over to the owner – the Institute of Oceanology PAN in Sopot. Oceania is […]

From Gdańsk to Cádiz – How r/v Oceanograf connected 4 universities in one cruise?

From May 26 to July 2, 2022 r/v Oceanograf sailed from Gdańsk to Cádiz. This was the first long-distance cruise for the University of Gdańsk’s ship, and it turned to be a success. During those 44 days we’ve completed 3 major research projects, conducted one-day classes for foreign students and concluded the first chapter of […]

SEA-EU – 9 universities with the same goal

What is SEA-EU? SEA-EU is an Alliance of 9 European Coastal Universities (Cadiz, Bretagne Occidentale, Kiel, Gdansk, Split, Malta, Naples, Algarve, and NORD) dedicated to the creation of a European Coastal Campus where all students and staff could experience Europe through a rich and varied offer of activities and cooperation. SEA-EU is one of the […]

Who are we? About University of Gdańsk

University of Gdańsk is one of the top academic institution in Poland, a leader in the field of innovation, gender equality and development regulation. In addition to 11 faculties that educate 22,000 studies, UG consists of two International Research Centres – ICCVS, which is developing therapy for non-small cell lung cancer, and ICTQT, which is […]

Meet our research team- Professor Anita Lewandowska and Justyna Kobos, PhD

They ask important scientific question, they explore the mysteries of the sea and the sky, they dare to research! Meet prof. Anita Lewandowska and dr Justyna Kobos, the scientists, who will take part in the BaltArctic Research Cruise. Professor Anita Lewandowska Research area: chemistry of the sea, atmosphere, and pollution of jellyfish by selected chemical […]

R/v Oceanograf – the most modern research unit in the Baltic Sea

BaltArctic Research Cruise is centred around two research vessels – r/v Oceanograf and r/v Oceania. On board of these ships, the scientists will carry their research, most of the events will happen here and here we premiere our exhibition “Women view of the Sea”. Let’s find out more about our amazing vessels starting with r/v […]