‘The Arctic is just beautiful’ – interview with Professor Agata Weydmann-Zwolicka

©dr Piotr Bałazy

‘Nowadays, large-scale research is no longer possible within a single institution or discipline. We have more and more research tools that require interdisciplinary knowledge, and it is only through cooperation that we can conduct modern research and push the boundaries of the known,’ says the research team leader of the BaltArctic Research Cruise, Professor Agata […]

Bergen – our next stop

Although it’s the second-biggest city in Norway, Bergen offers small-town charm alongside a metropolitan character. Standing on the top of Ulriken – the highest peak, overlooking the sea, islands, mountains and fjords, it becomes obvious why Bergen is known as ‘the capital of the fjords’. One of Bergen’s most iconic landmarks is Bryggen, the historic […]

Bucket and a drop

The tenth day of the expedition, we sailed from Kiel five days ago and have only enjoyed calm weather for brief moments since. We haven’t encountered a really stormy one either, but the winds are blowing evenly all the time, and now we’ve also had to duck behind a rocky island below Stavanger – an […]

R/v Oceanograf visit in Kiel – video

Find out about the value and benefits of European cooperation from: Vice-rector for International Cooperation at UG prof. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler CAU Vice President for Internationalisation and Early Career Researchers prof. Ralph Schneider Students from Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Uniwersytet Gdański and GEOMAR.

R/v Oceania is on its way to Bergen!

Our long-term oceanographic observations aim to study thermohaline circulation, the transport of Atlantic waters, pathways, and transport of Atlantic Water, in particular variability and dynamics of the Norwegian Atlantic Current and West Spitsbergen Current and their impacts on marine biogeochemistry and ecostystems in the European Arctic. Other scientific aims of the cruise are studies of […]


Want to make the ocean laugh, tell it your plans. On the morning of the eighth day of the expedition, we should be sampling off the coast of Norway, and we are standing huddled with twenty other ships behind the tip of Jutland waiting for good weather. Just above our car park in the Skagerrak […]

R/v Oceangraf leaves Kiel – summary of the first stop

Regional and European cooperation, storytelling in literature and in science, and marine research were at the heart of the BaltArctic Research Cruise events, that took place in Kiel. On June 6 scientists gave guided tours of r/v Oceanograf, a novelist led creative writing workshop, and the SEA-EU and Kiel institution representatives discussed further cooperation plans.   […]

The longest night

Friday morning, the fifth day of the expedition. Behind the stern disappears the huge war memorial in Kiel, ahead are six days of sailing along the coasts of Sweden and Norway to Bergen, a city tucked away in the land of fjords. A short lecture on the physics of sailing. Toward the ship the wind […]