What makes researching the seas possible? Tool #1 – Rosette

How do the scientists on board the r/v Oceanograf collect water samples from the exact depth they need, and why during the BaltArcitc cruise they throw half of it away? It’s all down to the rosette – one of the most important pieces of equipment in an oceanographer’s toolbox. The rosette consists of 12 Niskin […]

Despite the worst weather conditions so far, the researchers have prevailed!

The first days on the way back home  weren’t the easiest ones: 8 on the Beaufort scale, very rough sea, and waves about 6 meters high. But despite the worst weather conditions ever during the BaltArctic Research Cruise, the research team collected almost all the samples. “I’m very proud of my team; they tackled the […]

The vagabond gene

Bodø beyond the Arctic Circle, the nineteenth and final day of the expedition. In a moment I come off the board of the Oceanograf as one of the last, the ship is empty and quiet, there is no queue for the express machine, no slamming of the lab door, board games are packed. The ship […]

‘Everyone is having fun and doing what they love’ – Bodø Day 1

‘SEA-EU alliance is great for NORD University. Especially this event of bringing both Polish ships to Bodø is really amazing for building cooperation inside the SEA-EU.’ says Vice-Dean for R&D at the Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture Kiron Viswanath. ‘We were really impressed with the technology and equipment on board of r/v Oceanograf, but when we […]

‘Cooperation is the key to this success’ R/v Oceanograf in Bodø!

Over 90% of research activities completed, international cooperation that spans hundreds of nautical miles, and marriage of art and science – on June 19 r/v Oceanograf arrived to Bodø. This event concludes the first part of the BaltArctic Research Cruise.  – This moment right here, right now is a result of a year of intensive […]

The cook must stay

We live in a postcard from the north. A sea so smooth that the water looks like liquid metal in the sun, it’s warm and crisp at the same time, with toothy Norwegian islands on the horizon and snow-capped mountain peaks behind them. A small whale with funny white fins, identified as a common minke […]

Our next stop – Bodø

Bodø is a small city with about 50 000 inhabitants. The cultural life  here is flourishing and it might be hard to choose among everything the city has to offer. Stormen Concert Hall and Library have received a lot of international attention and have become very popular among the city’s inhabitants. The city has been […]

Meet our researchers – r/v Oceania’s scientists

Cooperation during the BaltArctic Research Cruise is at its peak as two research vessels – Oceanograf and Oceania – sail parallel to each other and collect similar samples. In a few days, both of them will arrive in Bodø. Let’s meet a few researchers on board of r/v Oceania, who work at the Institute of […]

Colors of fire

Saturday, the thirteenth day of the cruise. We left Bergen last night to enter one of the most beautiful phenomena I’ve ever seen in my life. You know that moment when the sun sets over the sea, the sky burns intensely with the colors of fire for a moment, then the colors fade, night falls […]