ResearchGate Profile

Anna Pouch


Research area:
My research focuses on organic contaminants. I analyze the concentrations of these contaminants in various abiotic and biotic samples from the Baltic Sea and the Arctic to determine the impact of human activities and climate change on their presence. I also study bioaccumulation and biomagnification of contaminants in the marine trophic chain.

Why is your research important?
Marine pollutants pose a significant threat to wildlife, from plankton to large marine mammals. Contaminants can cause reproductive failures, developmental issues, and even death in marine organisms. Protecting biodiversity requires understanding the sources, spread, and impacts of pollutants.

What are your personal motivations?
A strong interest in science and a desire to understand the complex interactions between pollutants and marine environments drive me to study this field. I enjoy communicating and collaborating with other scientists. Additionally, I am motivated to increase the level of awareness among those who may not understand these issues.

What are you going to do during the cruise onboard?
During the cruise I will be responsible for collecting samples for chemical analysis.