Sea of literature – Zygmunt Miłoszewski will keep the BaltArctic Research Cruise Logbook

Get ready for a daily logbook written by famous Polish author Zygmunt Miłoszewski.

We are excited to announce that a renowned polish author Zygmunt Miłoszewski will join our team during the BaltArctic Research Cruise. He will board the r/v Oceanograf on June 3 and stay on the ship until we reach our destination in Bodø. During this time he will keep a Logbook of his impressions, thoughts, and events from the cruise.

‘I think what scientists and writers have in common is that we seem to spend our lives bending over some papers, but we do have the spirits of globetrotters and adventure seekers in us. Go into the unknown, see, discover, tell the story, and amaze the world. Due to that fact – and because I am a sailor totally in love with Scandinavia – without a moment of hesitation, I agreed to join r/v Oceanograf research cruise to the far North and serve as its chronicler. I warned the authorities that I write adventure novels, so it may happen that one day everyone will read a story of Oceanograf – thorn by sinful passions from the inside, and an enormous Kraken from the outside – flows down majestically to the bottom of the fiord. They said: ok. So, there we sail.’ – said Zygmunt Miłoszewski.

© Kuba Celej

Zygmunt Miłoszewski – novelist, screenwriter, social activist. Author of ten novels, including detective stories, adventure novels and literature for young people. One of the most popular Polish writers at home and abroad, translated into almost twenty languages, adapted for the cinema, repeatedly awarded with literary prizes. Founding member of the trade writing association Literary Union. An avid sailor, he lives in Warsaw or on a seagoing yacht.

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