Your research area:

Why is your research important?

Coastal areas are difficult to capture with remote sensing techniques and especially fjord landscapes are affected by sun glint or shadowing effects. We want to optimize our data processing chains with in situ measurements and satellite data near the coasts.

What are your personal motivations?

Since my background is oceanography, my personal motivation is always connected to ocean currents, ocean colour, changing water properties and its influences along the track. I am highly interested in following the Baltic Sea outflow and tracking its constituents along the coast of Norway, as this is an opportunity to leverage the multispectral and high revisit frequency datasets of Sentinel-2.

What are you going to do during the cruise onboard r/v Oceanograf?

I will be measuring spectra with our floating Ramses spectrometers and collect chlorophyll measurements with the Algaetorch. We aim to gain optical information on water constituents such as chlorophyll, as well as inorganic and organic matter (CDOM) in the upper water column.