Daniel Rak

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences

Research area:
Baltic Sea

Why is your research important?
My research is centered on analyzing the hydrodynamic properties of sea water and the microstructure of marine environments. This foundational analysis is critical as it supports a broad range of applications across various discipline.

What are your personal motivations?
The cruise gives me the opportunity to explore interactions that extend my usual research area. The cruise on the Baltic Sea and beyond provides a unique chance to observe and analyze phenomena that could illuminate broader ecological and hydrodynamic dependencies at both regional and global scales.

What are you going to do during the cruise onboard?
During the cruise on the r/v Oceania, I will be managing the Rosette sampling system, which includes various probes and bathymeters for collecting water samples at different depths. Additionally, I will conduct microstructural measurements to assess water properties like temperature, salinity, and turbulence.