ResearchGate Profile

Joanna Stoń-Egiert

Marine Biophysics Laboratory / Marine Physics Department / IO PAN

Research area:
“Investigation and modeling of the marine ecosystems supplied with energy through photosynthesis. Conducting an analysis of the particle suspension, especially in terms of the light absorption properties of various phytoplankton pigments.”

Why is your research important?
The main process occurring in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is the primary production of organic matter. My research is leading to a better understanding of the process of photosynthesis and the factors that determine it.

What are your personal motivations?
Discovering the knowledge of the Earth’s processes is extremely fascinating and important, especially concerning the processes of light propagation in the depths, its absorption by various components in the sea and its use in the production of organic matter and oxygen. This is especially important because of the carbon balance in aquatic ecosystems on the planet.

What are you going to do during the cruise onboard?
I will take samples to determine a number of parameters that characterize the suspended and dissolved substances found in the sea, such as the concentrations of photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments, or the light absorption coefficients of various components of the suspensions.