Research area

Why is your research important?

I study the impact of human activity, especially climate change, on the Arctic marine ecosystem, which is now rapidly changing.

My research is mainly focused on zooplankton, which are tiny animals with a very important role in ecosystems as they are food e.g., for birds, whales and commercially caught fish, as well as take place in the ocean’s biological pump.

What are your personal motivations?

I am motivated to continue my research by curiosity and fascination with the Ocean and the Arctic. I would like to make at least a small contribution to the research describing the impact of human activity on marine ecosystems and contribute to their protection.

What are you going to do during the BaltArctic Cruise?

I am going to be the leader of the research team, and will coordinate the team’s work.

I will be also collecting zooplankton samples and physio-chemical water parameters to study how zooplankton community changes along the way from the Baltic Sea to the Arctic.