r/v Oceania, how it all started

On December 20, 1985, in the presence of the Shipyard Management, the authorities of the Polish Academy of Sciences, shipyard workers, and oceanographers, a ceremonial raising of the flag took place on the research vessel r/v Oceania and it was handed over to the owner – the Institute of Oceanology PAN in Sopot. Oceania is […]

From Gdańsk to Cádiz – How r/v Oceanograf connected 4 universities in one cruise?

From May 26 to July 2, 2022 r/v Oceanograf sailed from Gdańsk to Cádiz. This was the first long-distance cruise for the University of Gdańsk’s ship, and it turned to be a success. During those 44 days we’ve completed 3 major research projects, conducted one-day classes for foreign students and concluded the first chapter of […]